Organic fertilizer used to be rare to find. However, that has changed now. Even if we know the relationship between plants, soil and other beneficial organisms in the soil, we will never really understand the complexity. All we know is when you add more nutrient organic things in the soil, you will get a more fertile and workable growth media for your plants.
Of course, the presence of synthetic fertilizers helps in this industry. However, it is not the best thing you can give to your plants not to mention how it could turn the soil into a poor-quality one. In this article, we will tell you anything you need to know about the organic fertilizer and why you should choose it over the synthetic fertilizer.
What are Organic Fertilizers?
Typically, organic fertilizers are made of one ingredient and can be adjusted to the particular needs of your garden. It could come from dried plants, spoiled foods, animal sources, and so on, depending on the nutrients you need for your soil. Also, the materials or ingredients should naturally come and spoiled in nature without any synthetic process.
Improving Soil Structure
So, why should we choose organic fertilizers over synthetic ones? The easiest and most make sense answer is that organic fertilizers will improve the soil structures. It decays remains of living material and turns it into humus. These materials give food for the microorganisms in the soil then convert essential substances and spread it through the water to grow healthy plants.
Organic stuff or compost also improves any soil structure into a better one. If you have sandy soil, you can put some compost and water in it. Meanwhile, if the soil is like clay and heavy, you can simply add organic stuff so you can plant something in it.
Requirements to Grow Healthy Plants
Plants also need nitrogen. Other substances needed include potassium, sulfur, calcium, and magnesium. Plants also need a small amount of nickel, copper, boron, chlorine, zinc, manganese, and iron.
Healthy soil might provide an adequate amount of those things above. However, some soil types could not provide an adequate amount of nutrients for various reasons. In this case, you need to supply some nutrients by giving organic matters in it. You can compost dry leaves, garden waste, vegetable peelings, and grass clippings.
By gradually giving food organic matter to the soil, you can restore the nutrients of the soil eventually.
Organic Fertilizers vs. Synthetic Fertilizers
For your information, plant roots cannot tell the nitrogen supply from organic fertilizers and synthetic fertilizers. However, the synthetic one is conditioned so it could lead to a nutrient imbalance in the soil. In other words, it could reduce important substances like microbial and earthworm to do the job when it comes to improving the soil quality.
On the other hand, organic fertilizers might show a low process even from the first time you make it. The slow-releasing process also makes the nutrient not readily available immediately. Also, the microorganisms in the soil needs time to extract the substance so the plants can absorb the important stuff.
It is wiser to use organic stuff for long-term used especially if you will consume the produces for you and your family. Also, you can put the organic stuff in advance. For example, you can sprinkle blood meal to the beds of your garden in fall and do the same thing in spring.
Liquid Organic Fertilizers
Using the liquid type will allow you to mix it with water once a month. It is better to use the fertilizer during the growing season. Liquid kelp or fish emulsion can be directly applied to the foliage of your plants. This process is called foliar feeding process.
Fish emulsion and kelp will provide a good start for both seedlings and transplants. Kelp is also available in a dried meal shape instead of a liquid extract. Feel free to choose the one that suits you well. Fish emulsion and kelp are proven to provide an adequate amount of potassium and nitrogen for the plants. Those things have been used for centuries.
If you want to do the foliar feeding, you will need a good mist sprayer. It is advised to add a few drops of mild dish soap so the fertilizer could stick to the leaves.
Even though the synthetic fertilizer will not make you wait and give a faster result, it is not good or a long-term use especially if you consume the produce. This is why you need organic fertilizer instead.
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